Andreas Bruun Pedersen
- CV
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- Biography
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- Voice
Playing Age | 18 - 28 |
Nationality | Danish |
Based in | Aarhus |
Education | The Danish National School of Performing Arts - Graduation: 2025 |
Language, fluent | Danish, English |
Language, knowledge | German, Norwegian, Swedish |
Singing voice | Barytone |
Skills | Badminton,CrossFit,Cycling*,Football,Running*,Scuba Diving*,Swimming,Triathlon, Piano,Ukulele |
Driving licence | Car Driving Licence |
Eye colour | Blue |
Hair colour | Blond(e) |
Height | 180cm |
Weight | 69.00 |
Off-the-shelf clothing size (Top) | M |
Off-the-shelf clothing size (Bottom) | 30 |
Jeans Size | : 30 |
Dress shirt (Neck size) | M |
Suit size | M / 48 |
Shoe size | 42 / 43 |
Hat size | 59 cm. |
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Selected Credits*
Film | Role | Year | Director | Company |
Den, der lever stille | Polterabend leder | 2023 | Puk Grasten | Regner Grasten Film |
Lily's Ghost | Supporting | 2023 | Kasper Møller Rask | GotFat Productions |
Television | Role | Year | Director | Channel |
Guldfeber | Kenneth (Lead) | 2023 | Svend Coldin | Danish National DR |
Sygeplejeskolen | Sæson 5 | Supporting | 2022 | Tilde Harkamp | Danish National TV2 |
Dopamin | Jonas | 2022 | Martin Winther | Discovery+ |
Historien om Grønland og Danmark | Peder Larsøn | 2022 | Claus Pilehave | Danish National DR |
KLOVN | Sæson 8 | Jesper | 2021 | Casper Christensen | Danish National TV2 |
Sunday | Sæson 4 | Massør | 2021 | Jesper Rofelt | Xee |
Enten / Eller | Krølle | 2020 | Martin Winther | Xee |
Om Natten Lyver Jeg Aldrig | Kyssefyr | 2020 | Martin Garde Abildgaard | Danish National DR |
Andreas Bruun Pedersen is a 27-year-old actor from Aarhus, Denmark. He is currently studying on his 2nd year at The Danish National School of Performing Arts and by the time the festival is due he’s on his 3rd and last year of drama school.
He started acting in 2019 out of nowhere after he dropped out of studying to become a physiotherapist. For the first time he felt like he had asked himself what he wanted to do. He knew no one in the creative business, and knew nothing about acting, but he knew he loved to make people laugh, and that was a starting point. In the three years he acted before he got accepted into drama school in 2022, has he been a successful leading man in the TV-series Guldfeber (Always Be Closing) on DR1 – Danish National Television, and had smaller parts in seven TV-series, and 3 feature films. He has also had both leading and supporting roles in 24 short films altogether.
In 2025 he’ll get his debut on stage in Jeppe på Bjerget (Jeppe on the Hill or The Transformed Peasant) at Aarhus Theatre as a part of his internship through his education, where he’ll get to experience to work with one of the biggest stage directors in Denmark, Christian Lollike.
Sport and movement have always been a big part of his identity. Recently he has joined a running club, where he can get both his daily need for movement but also his social need stimulated. The Danish National School of Performing Arts is only accepting 6 student each year in Aarhus, so he enjoys having a larger community outside of school, where he can talk of anything but acting and theatre.
He started acting in 2019 out of nowhere after he dropped out of studying to become a physiotherapist. For the first time he felt like he had asked himself what he wanted to do. He knew no one in the creative business, and knew nothing about acting, but he knew he loved to make people laugh, and that was a starting point. In the three years he acted before he got accepted into drama school in 2022, has he been a successful leading man in the TV-series Guldfeber (Always Be Closing) on DR1 – Danish National Television, and had smaller parts in seven TV-series, and 3 feature films. He has also had both leading and supporting roles in 24 short films altogether.
In 2025 he’ll get his debut on stage in Jeppe på Bjerget (Jeppe on the Hill or The Transformed Peasant) at Aarhus Theatre as a part of his internship through his education, where he’ll get to experience to work with one of the biggest stage directors in Denmark, Christian Lollike.
Sport and movement have always been a big part of his identity. Recently he has joined a running club, where he can get both his daily need for movement but also his social need stimulated. The Danish National School of Performing Arts is only accepting 6 student each year in Aarhus, so he enjoys having a larger community outside of school, where he can talk of anything but acting and theatre.
To request long showreel, please contact the agency.