Laus Høybye
- CV
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Playing Age | 35 - 45 |
Nationality | Danish |
Based in | Copenhagen |
Education | The Danish National School of Performing Arts, Odense Graduation: 2005 |
Language, fluent | Danish, English, French |
Language, knowledge | German, Swedish, Norwegian, Spanish |
Skills | Horse-riding,Swimming,Tennis, Guitar,Piano |
Height | 175cm |
Weight | 64.00 |
Off-the-shelf clothing size (Top) | S |
Off-the-shelf clothing size (Bottom) | 30/30, S |
Jeans Size | 30/30 |
Dress shirt (Neck size) | 144-146 (small) |
Suit size | 144-146 |
Hat size | 58 cm |
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